The Robert W. Deutsch Foundation is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to our website, as well as that of our grantees and collaborators. We support enhanced protections for everyone’s electronic and Internet privacy. The Robert W. Deutsch Foundation will not give, sell, rent, exchange or otherwise share your information with anyone else without your prior consent except as compelled by law.
Website Policies
The Robert W. Deutsch Foundation and third-party vendor servers may record the IP address of your computer; the browser software you use and your operating system; the date and time you access our site; and the Internet address of the website from which you linked to our site.
We use this information to measure the number of visitors to different sections of the site, to diagnose and correct system errors and to improve the site. We do not connect this information to your name or identity, and we do not retain this information permanently.
External Links
The Robert W. Deutsch Foundation has not reviewed all of the sites linked to this site and is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any off-site pages or any other sites linked to this site, whether or not they are affiliated with us. Such linked sites are for your convenience only and you access them at your own risk.
The Robert W. Deutsch Foundation makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or functioning of any such link. That another website is linked to our site does not constitute endorsement from us or the owner of the other site, the content of its site or its products or services.
Compelled Disclosure
If we are required by law to disclose any information that you have provided us, we will attempt to give you notice (unless we are prohibited from doing so) that a request for your information has been made, in order to give you an opportunity to object. We will attempt to provide this notice by email, if you have given us an email address, or by postal mail if you have entered a postal address. If you do not challenge the disclosure request, we may be legally required to turn over your information. In addition, we may independently object to any disclosures we believe to be improper.
Copyright Policies
All original text, images and other materials hosted on the RWD website are copyright to the individuals and organizations who provided the images, unless otherwise noted (e.g., news articles and licensed photos).
You may not copy, distribute, display or make derivative works provided unless you a) gain permission from and credit the organization responsible, b) do not use it for commercial purposes and c) release any derivative works under this same license.
Copyright-Infringement Notification
If you have a copyright complaint, please follow the procedures set forth in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.