Technically Baltimore: Deutsch Fellow Jen Schachter Represents Baltimore at SXSW

Technically Baltimore: Deutsch Fellow Jen Schachter Represents Baltimore at SXSW
Here’s how Baltimore is representing at SXSW: Baltimore folks are involved in meetups and even a maker scavenger hunt. Here’s a look at who’s in Austin.
By Stephen Babcock
Published in Technically Baltimore on March 13, 2017
Everyone is looking at Austin for SXSW this week, and that means a chance to stand out. We’re seeing some efforts to represent Baltimore, as well as individual companies.
Here’s a look at who’s making moves so far:
ETC is making its presence known, with assistant director Jacqueline Albright on the ground at the tech festival. The incubator took steps to get everyone organized, with a Facebook group and the #ETCSXSW hashtag. ETC member companies Yet Analytics, Kapowza, Sickweather, Early Light Media and Collonies also made the trip. The visibility is also about helping others see Baltimore.
“We’re trying to position ourselves globally. What better place to do it?” Albright said.
To help others see what’s happening in Baltimore, Johns Hopkins is bringing one SXSW attendee to see Baltimore for themselves. Johns Hopkins Social Innovation Lab Director Darius Graham and FastForward Program Manager Megan Wahler are giving a talk at the festival Tuesday titled, “Lessons on Building an Urban Innovation Ecosystem.” During the talk, they’ll give away a trip to tour Baltimore’s innovation spots.
Yet Analytics cofounder Margaret Roth co-organized the EdTech Women meetup at SXSWedu last week. For SXSW Interactive, she and Allie Tscheulin hit up events like Saturday’s xAPI Barcamp. It looks like Yet Analytics’ presence is being felt all around town.
TechBreakfast was a gathering point for Baltimore companies, even across the country. The annual showcase was on Sunday, complete with demos and free food.
Following up on their collaboration for SXSL, Robert W. Deutsch Foundation fellow Jennifer Schachterand Adam Savage of Mythbusters fame are challenging participants to find pieces of a maker puzzle all week. They worked on the pieces last month at Open Works in Station North.